Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Sharing ideas, insights and knowledge through social interventions !

Last saturday me and and my classmates decided to meet in the library. The purpose was to share our insights, ideas and knowledge about the wiki project. This happened to be the best thing for me and my class-mates as we all benefited a lot from this exercise. We didn't have enough time because some of us had to work and join the other later but the two hours we had was so fruitful, i just wish we did this from the very onset.
For the first time in my student life i never worked with a group of people who are so passionate about their studies and who are always keen to share their knowledge with others. In most cases we (students) tend to compete against each other and we keep what we know to ourselves because we want to be "tops" in class- Last Saturday we helped each other and managed to get something done. We still intend to meet again this Saturday and i am certain that when the library closes at 17HOO we will all say " we have managed to achieve something out of it !"

Mapule and Ncumisa let's keep it up ! Let's show the others that we are not just doing knowledge management for the fun of it, we know what is expected from us, collaboration and sharing:)

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